Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Tooth Fairy...

yup, the years have suddenly crept up on us...I remember when Little Miss A was 7 months old and cut her first tooth. She was a late at almost 6...she came running to me the other day..."mummy, my tooth hurts"...
"let me see"
"Aaahhh, you have your first wobbly tooth!!!"
SHE beamed from ear to ear...SUCH a joy sparkled throughout her could SUCH a milestone be SUCH a terrific one?
Then came the..."but I don't have a tooth pillow..."
"it's ok sweets, I'll make one"
Well if you make one, you have to make 2 here in this house...that comes with having 2 girls who love eachother and want everything the other one has!
Et Voila!
I used T-shirts which had become too small but ones which they used to wear all the time...
and...I even got to christen my new labels!!!
These are memories which will be cherished for a Life time...
Thanks for passing by so I can share them with you.


  1. Those are very nice- I used to have a nice tooth fairy pillow myself but my girls' just seem to end up in little sandwich bags.I should do something about that, lol :)

  2. Sooo cute! Have a great time on your vacation. I wish we could join you! :0)

  3. Those are so adorable! You are so talented. I have a sewing machine and haven't used it yet. Scary!
    Sweet memories you are making for you and those girls.
    Hugs to you Char!

  4. That is the cutest idea! My mom was always so freaked out when we wiggled our loose teeth in front of her lol

  5. Love those! I'd never heard of a tooth pillow before... Your girls are getting so big!! Love, Silke

  6. so cute!!! and i love your label showing. it makes you giddy, right? it would me.

  7. Lovely pillows Char. Beth loves her one with a tooth on it too, although she's only just getting the teeth to give to the fairy!! Have a wonderful holiday, cant' wait to hear about it! xxxx

  8. So cute- my monkeys share one tooth pillow that we received as a gift when my first born was born.
    My did it seem like a long way away- and it went by in a blink.

  9. ::: Hey, i do really happy to find your blog... it's so artistic... and I love it so much,,,,

    ::: Could you help about talking in artistic idea from my own creativity here

    ::: thx if you would visit me and give me hug maybe ^_^...


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