Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reality strikes

Such a beautiful day here today. If I didn't have the children I would be sitting in my garden reading the papers, eating croissants and drinking coffee. Still reality strikes and instead I am wiping cheerios from the floor, and grabbing the Vanish carpet spray as my luke-warm cup of coffee gets 'carried' by Beth whilst my back is turned and I am clearing the cheerios up! It's still freezing at times here especially when the sun goes behind a cloud... some days are spent one minute in a t-shirt the next putting on a fleece, it's crazy weather. But I am really enjoying my little garden, for the last few months I am here. We are definitely moving, by August when my husband starts his new job, he finishes his course in July. It's been a long slog of 6 years whilst he studied for a career change and we are finally at the end. I will be very sad to leave my life here although I know our new one will be good, but having children has really made this little community come alive for me and my friends here will be sorely missed. Our house is up for sale at the moment, and the joy of having to keep my home impeccably tidy with two tornados who are under 5 living with me is tricky! It's amazing how I tidy one corner and they pull out all their toys in another at the same time! I have a weekend home alone with the children as my Mr R  has gone to have a 'boys weekend'. We have a busy one to come filled with birthday parties and a promised trip to the farm for Jack who has filled his marble jar. He has a bowl of marbles that we use to fill a jar when he does things to be praised and when it's full he gets a treat.. should he do something bad the jar gets emptied though and he has to start again.. making it a much longer journey to his fun day!
I had to show you this picture from garden of the clematis, it has an incredible amount of buds on it this year, more than ever before. It will be stunning when they all pop open, it covers a whole side of my fence.
This is my mucky pup, who spent a day playing in a cardboard box with holes cut in it for windows and a door. It was his spaceship, a wardrobe, a castle and many other imaginary things... proof that we don't need to spend much for imaginations to run wild! Have a lovely weekend whatever you end up doing!


  1. How pretty your garden is...The flowers are stunning!I'm sure you're excited about starting another...but sad to see all your hard work be left behind.
    Love the picture of Jack! He has the best eyes...
    So, I'm back and thanks a bUNCH Tam for posting a couple of great reads!
    HUGS sweet lady.

  2. Can't wait to find out how much fun you had on your hols! The next garden will be a fun project to turn it into as pretty a one as I'm leaving.. this is a super week for being outside. Blooming lovely!
    Big HUGS back!
    Tam xxxx

  3. Good luck on selling. Sounds like it will be bitter sweet.

  4. wow, i can't imagine...we're trying to sublet our apartment because we just bought a house and it's hard enough to always keep that clean, i'm really glad i don't have to do that with kids at this point!


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