Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Our girls spent this morning getting back into their routines which we missed whilst being away...children can still have fun whilst learning(that's what I keep telling them:-).
Little Miss J has always enjoyed PUZZLING but gets awfully frustrated whilst trying to conquere the larger puzzles with smaller pieces.
I remember always having a puzzle on the go at our house in England...Mum and I would puzzle together in the evenings...great for the brain!
There was this one puzzle which I'm not sure if you can get was called the "GOLD box" was packaged in a gold box without an image of the puzzle! we have fun figuring it out...and it was always one of those 2-3,000 piece puzzles...
Little miss A has all the patience in the World for puzzles and could do them all day.
While they sat quietly and did their puzzles...I sketched them...
I'll be back after Caribbean Dancing this evening to show you some fish my husband saw whilst Scuba Diving in that incredible Ocean I showed you yesterday!


  1. beautiful sketches - i always loved puzzles and still love them to this day.

  2. I know...puzzles are wonderful, a very peaceful pass-time.

  3. Hello!

    Puzzles are great indeed, and I made miles of them... but I guess my absolute favourite puzzles were the ones my grandmother used to have, the 3dimensional version, with little blocks. Those puzzles
    were actually 4 puzzles in one, and the images were always such beautiful vintage stamps.

    My Oma had two of them, and I especially loved the one that depicted fairytales...

  4. I want one of those puzzles now!!!!

  5. your girls are adorable!!! i love ur sketches and just heart your etsy as well. will stay tuned for more! pls be sure to chk out my blog and etsy as well! :)

    x, di


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