Thursday, June 3, 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet little miss J...I really can't quite comprehend where these 4 years have gone? Time has just flown by...
Sisters just 2 years and 2 days apart...if I posted for one and not the other...I would be in trouble. So fabulous readers...bare with me...this was how we passed the day with little miss J.
I adore this photo...I had a couple more but her cheeks on this one were just priceless.
more sketch and note books...I think I'm creating mini-me's as I have a passion for them...and it may be rubbing off on them!
birthdays,birthday mornings,birthday was a bright and sunny day...perfect.
she really does look older than 4...but little miss J is SUCH a 4 year old...emotional,tempermental,testing,innocent(with a know it all attitude),loving,caring towards people she adores...and shy in unfamiliar situations.
and my oh my, is little miss J ever determined!
She learnt to tie her own laces whilst we were away, so we bought her lace-ups for her birthday...
and I finally was able to give them the 2 necklaces I had made for them by KELLY
then it was time for a break and to enjoy the outdoors
she could swing all day...but it's all about taking turns...
the perfect Birthday PICNIC in the park...HAPPY BIRTHDAY little miss J!

Thanks in advance for all the birthday wishes for our little one, I read the others for little miss A from you all on Monday...thank YOU!

Have a fantastic Friday...I'll be back to show you my latest creations...


  1. she is such a beauty! happy birthday little bird

  2. Happy belated Birthday, Ms J, you are so sweet!

  3. happy birthday gorgeous miss j. i love your sneakers!

  4. Happy Birthday to Miss J!! You are a beautiful girl!!
    Love the sneakers...I so need a pair of those.
    Love, love, love, the photo of her looking at her necklace! Priceless:-)
    Thanks for the smiles!


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