Saturday, June 5, 2010

in MY mail

HAPPY SATURDAY everyone...
SO pleased my recent subscription to Katie Green's "The Green Bean" Zine arrived at the begining of the week...I LOVE her work...if you've never taken a ride over to her Blog, then please do!
Her Zine is full of goodness, recipes,contests,ALL hand-drawn...she has even added a few of her "What I wore Today" drawings, which you can also find linked from her blog to the FLICKR group...
I love it...and it stays close to me in my purse at ALL times!!!
Can't WAIT to get June's issue!!!

Do you read or subscribe to any Zines?

I received my winning package from Andrea who has the wonderful and creative blog "Andrea Creates". THANKS Andrea...I LOVE my little pouch and the stepping out jacket pattern!!!
It all came so beautifully wrapped and with a lovely Monet card.
just signed up to Artful Penpals and am SO excited...I used to enjoy having panpals as a teenager and would write letters to teens who became friends over the years...I have since lost touch with some of them...but others are still dear in my life.
Artful Penpals ran last year too but I found out about it after it had begun.
This year, dear Shelagh Duffet from the blog "Alice in Paris loves Art and Tea" remembered how gutted I was that I didn't make it last year and contacted me to remind me about this one. THANKS Shelagh!!!
If anyone of you are interested in reading more about can click HERE.

I found GOOP online today by Gweneth Paltrow- and subscribed to her weekly newsletter...I had NO idea she offered such an interesting read...LOVE IT!

We've had a busy DANCE day...miss A did a dance workshop (hiphop) after her regular ballet class and really enjoyed it...she's totally bezonked though and is ready for dreamland.
I'm in the midst of finishing a little painting. Will show you tomorrow.

I hope you're enjoying your Saturday...
Which NEW online blog/site did you find this week??

Until tomorrow.


  1. ah!
    If only i could find them too
    in my home
    i would say it
    'what a miracle'...!
    Oh god
    that's really an awesome art!
    I lovu lopu lovu them all
    hey, its nice to share them
    thx a lot for letting me
    i did just follow your blog
    from now on
    i will be your fan
    and i will visit you often

  2. Hi Char, Thanks!! That wee zine looks and sounds gorgeous!

  3. thank you for introducing me to 'the green bean'. i love it! the art is fantastic.


Thank you so much for reading my post...and leaving a comment :-)