Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my breakfast randoms...

before breakfast I finished this watercolour for a little girl called Bree.
she looks like such a sweet creature.
breakfasts are spent chatting and talknig about what we'd like to do during the day...little Miss A always seems to have company whilst eating her breakfast.

I adore the light which pours in the windows in the morning...such perfect painting light!
today I am finishing these...
these having been lying around waiting their turn for a while...I think because they aren't commissions...the urgency isn't there to complete them.
so many people at our Mamas Show were asking if I had a frog and a here it is...almost completed.

There's no tell all Tuesday spot this week as you can see...
so here are 10 random things you may not know about me:

  • I love Marmite on toast (LOVE LOVE LOVE)

  • I work better under-pressure (which can be frustrating at times)

  • I can't go to sleep at night without going to check on our girls(and I have to kiss their cheeks and tell them I love them)

  • if I won the lottery(as I would need A LOT of money), I would set up a Community Art Centre- painting,crafts,theatre...they're all so theraputic and I believe everybody should dabble in something creative!

  • I used approximately 5% of my shoe collection...but love all of them and find it hard to give them up...soon they'll be Antiques!

  • I miss speaking Spanish and if anyone wishes to meet up and is Italian or Spanish...and you live in the GTA...I NEED practice!

  • If I could choose the whole day to be made up of would.(I'd scrap afternoons and evenings-as I get so much more done in the mornings)

  • if I wasn't an artist...I would be a Chef

  • I'm a bit of a loner...and love "my" time...if I didn't see anyone for a few wouldn't bother me(is this wierd?)

  • I'd LOVE to have dinner with ALL of you!!!
have a fantastic Tuesday...and if you'd like to post your 10 RANDOMS...please link back to your post in the comments bellow.



  1. I work well under pressure too... I can be quite the procrastinator!!

  2. Yeah, I wish I could stick to lists like my husband...he gets SO much done everyday!

  3. That butterfly-lady looks very sweet indeed!!! (And I love your Marimekko tablecloth...)

    Have a lovely day!

    PS. I'm a 'lister' too...

  4. lovely post!
    i like seeing your process as you work and how sweet are those breakfast shots??
    hope you are well, my friend.

  5. I just found your blog...good stuff...I'll be back.

  6. i love your breakfast view and those sweet faces (3 of them)! your list is wonderful and i'd love to learn to speak italian - it's so lyrical and spanish, too. i've tried marmite and maybe i should try it, again ;). and, i hope you win the lottery!

  7. too cute your drawings and your little girl. Love your idea of setting up an art-centre. All fingers crossed you hit the jackpot :)

  8. Lovely pictures Char - I have a thing for ladybirds and fairytales.

    Nope not weird at all being a loner - I can totally relate.

    take care,

    Nina xx

  9. ooh, such lovely drawings. am excited to see your beautiful site. thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. thank you for your visit, we are thousands of Km far away, but nevertheless so quick linked, isn't it great!



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