Monday, June 14, 2010

weekend past...

hello friends...I thought I'd post some pics from our Sunday trip to Kingston,Ontario...
after waking up early (5am) to be here by 8am we dropped off Mr.R at a small marina where he loaded hi 3 tanks and gear onto the "Proteus" which was flying it's skulled makes me chuckle when I see it. All these divers setting out to find treasures in the lake, and there really are treasure I'm sure as there are SO many wrecks.
so the girls and I headed to Downtown Kingston, first they threw a few coins in the Wishing fountain...why do these money fountains always capture kids hearts? after we found our favourite Breakfast hang out...Morrison's can eat breakfast here all day...YUM...
grease, carbs,fat and high cholestral...all in exchange for smiles and full bellies...
once in a while you have to satisfy those desires!!!
the girls still get tired of walking long I had stops planned out on our day trip as we had some walking to do.
This was our next step...the wonderful Tea House on Princess Street(little Miss A didn't believe the stree was called this until she saw the sign-post....Little Miss Ja thought we would see Princesses living and walking around...yup, just like in Disney!) where we sat and enjoyed passers by...
freshly baked cookies and ginger and peach Rooibis tea...our girls are water a glass of water makes them happy.
(Char-I ordered another Tea for you...can't believe the first didn't arrive! -SO sorry)
little Miss J could chat about what she sees ALL DAY LONG...
little Miss A on  the other hand is quiet and loves to's a new comic she found at the Antique Market after breakfast.
before heading down to the Marina...we went to see Shrek 4 together...LOVED LOVED LOVED it...all through the movie Miss J would keep asking me and reasurring herself..."Mummy, are they just in costume? The are all just in dress up...right?"
pancakes, mable syrup, cookies,popcorn, chocolate, ice-cream and Mc Donalds...I wonder if this is THE reasom our girls LOVE Kingston?
hey...if we get THESE smiles from junk food??? why not!

I received a bunch of commissions today...but this week I must get that landscape sketch completed.Sorry it's taken a while B!

Thank YOU ALL for those very sweet compliments about my Owl, it was MUCH loved by the girl's dance instructor.
I have a couple of other things to show check by tomorrow.
Bon Nuit!


  1. it looks like you all had such a fun time! i love getting a peek into favorite breakfast spots and tea shops.

  2. Fun pics- I love breakfast! The girls are so adorable posing for you :)

  3. your girls are just the cutest, but so what else in new ;)!

  4. Liv and I just looked at your lovely pics. Looks like you had such a fun time, Liv said 'look Ashley and Jordi alot' and asked soooo many questions, what are they eating?, what are they wearing on their feet?? Shes very excited to see her cousins....Not long now! hugs and kisses jen and liv xoxox

  5. .......oh and she loves the watercolour of Winston the dog! x


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