Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Earthquake in TORONTO...Montreal, Ottawa, Pittsburgh...

Sitting sketching, Little Miss J was with me at the kitchen table making cards for her little buddies...when it felt as though the table was sliding back and forth...the African Iris we have in the corner of the kitchen was being blown by a wind which didn't exist...the thunder rumbled in the mid-day SUN?
Yes, we definitely felt and saw this Quake, we were very fortunate it only measured 5.5.
Lake Ontario which is a 10 minute drive from our house has a major fault line running up it...we have felt quakes before...but this was different, and what with all the other crazy quakes which have been happening in the makes you wonder, it makes you think...

Did it effect you and your Life today?

BIG hugs to you all and I'm pleased everyone is safe.
We're in a time of change...I just worry for our children...and pray that they have a safe and happy Life...

Bon nuit... a domain.


  1. Exciting stuff! Scary stuff. I'm so glad you and your beautiful family were unhurt. Does make you wonder though, with so many bumpy things happening in this old world....

  2. That sounds scary. I haven't experienced an earthquake in my life. I would probably freak out... I'm glad to hear that it wasn't a big one.

  3. So good to hear your all ok though blimey, most definitely seat of your pants stuff!!

    Nina xxxxxxx

  4. Apparently it was felt in Boston too- I didn't feel it but I got a text from my friend in VT who did! Yikes, glad not much damage was done...

  5. so glad you all are ok!! yes, things stop me in my tracks and make me realize we only have the moments that we are present and that i need to make sure i'm fully present in those moments.


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