Wednesday, June 23, 2010

wordless Wednesday...



  1. Really adorable art!! I love to see your latest!

    Come and join my Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  2. Sorry...I have to say something...WHY..when we do something lovely for someone do we NOT always get a wonderful return...???
    So I drop Little Miss A at school and she's playing with her friends...the bell rings and she runs away, I say "Hang on A"...she looks at me and says "why?" is a huffy puffy 6 yr old way...
    So...I ask her to please come to me, and she says it again...this time, I am not a happy camper...and tell her if she doesn't drop the attitude, she'll be getting her favourite toy taken away.And I explain I just wanted to say goodbye to her.
    Could I have been like this at six? I don't think so...
    and I sure am not raising either of my children to treat me in this way.'s out...
    Thanks for listening on WORDLESS WEDNESDAY...

  3. truly a sweet piece of art.
    I just read about A's attitude. It seems our children are influenced by so many things, kids at school, television and things viewed in life. I think the best we can do as parents is mean what we say, so that we are believed and maybe even honored. Just gently following through with our words is a big thing.

  4. Thanks Tammie, I totally agree...
    We just had an EARTHQUAKE here...
    what's happening to our World?

  5. My son has been my best teacher, this sentence need no more words and I hope you understand it right. I understand you very well.

    Your blog is one of the loviest, I see you have a lot of friends
    this I also can understand!

  6. The drawing is very cute.

    Yes, the attitude thing. I think there are different influences out there, different from we were growing up. But being consistent as a parent and letting them know it is NOT ok worked for me. Sounds like you follow the same idea.

  7. Char, I just heard about the earthquake there and I am so glad your well. I am sure it shook you up, I saw your comment on Ramblins blog, just wanted to wish you well. take care, know you were thought of. hugs.

  8. Char,
    My dearest friend has a 3 year old and I witnessed this very behavior...she was never like that and has not raised her daughter to be that way either. It's what they witness others doing. Just keep being you and she will slow down, be less inside herself and will start to see you and others at all times...then you will know it was all worth it.


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