Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer-TIME- GAMEs...

Good Monday morning...or afternoon should I say, as I started this post this morning early and then had a phone call from a friend...."could you, would soon can you?"
Her niece is turning 17 whilst they're on their family Vacation. My good friend D bought a beautiful leather bound travel journal for her and asked if I would add an insert for the opening page. So we spent 1 1/2 hours chatting and finding out exatcly where she was off to. I sketched and sipped tea...and this is what became...they're off to London for a few days and then to a beautiful Villa in Tivoli for 3 location 30 minutes outside Rome...they'll have a wonderful trip!
I was thinking I would at least be able to log in and post a couple of times this weekend...but time flew away with me...The girls had their recital,too cute...
Little Miss J loved her little butterfly costume and did so well on stage...she even smiled...
Little Miss A was graceful as ever and remembered all her moves.
ONE very proud Mama here!

So...this morning I was thinking - we didn't play our little game I said we would have on Friday...I just want to see out of curiousity, as my "STATcounter" says I get hundreds of views a day...but I don't know because I don't get hundreds of, lets play a game.
Go to the Comments below...ask a question and either I will answer it or another reader will.
We'll keep this going for all of today and see actually how many people read the whole post...or how many of you fabulous readers just look at pictures??...please if you read this ...comment below..the question can be very random!




  1. Thank you for atleast getting to this page, so here is my question to first fabulous reader::

    Where would you take a plane to if you could go anywhere this afternoon/evening?


  2. TO ITALY!!!!!

    for sure!!!! i was married on the isle of capri and cannot wait to return again!!!

    my question today is....

    what is your creature comfort???

    love this game Char!


  3. Oh, I would love to visit romantic.

    ANSWER: My creature comfort is probably my sketchbook and pencil case with a couple of 2B pencils and a few MICRON pens.

    QUESTION:: What are you or did you have for Dinner tonight?


  4. I had a sort of Norwegian speciality, almost as salami made of lamb, together with srambled eggs and potato salad.

    What color is your living room?

  5. Yum...sounds good...

    ANSWER: Our living room is the colour of dry HAY...a hint of green but more like a dusty dry grass colour.

    Question:: What language would you like to learn?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ANSWER: I would love to learn Irish, I've been in Ireland for 15 years and only know 2 or 3 words of Irish!

    Your girls always make me smile, they are the cutest!

    QUESTION: What talent would you like to possess that you don't already have?

  8. Thanks for the darling comments about our girls...

    ANSWER:: I would love to be able to sing REALLY well...I have zero confidence in my abilities to yes, that would be mine.

    Question:: what are your favourite pair of shoes?


  9. Right now my favorite pair of shoes are my crocs - especially as I have to water the garden every day in the heat - I just water my crocs and feet along with the yard and stay cool that way...

    What a fantastic game!!!

    Question: What is the last book you read and loved?

  10. Hey Char- thanks for stopping by :)
    Here's a question for many countries have you ever visited?(~In keeping with the travel theme;) )
    Great painting btw!

  11. The girls looked beautiful for their recital!!!

    I have been to 3 countries, yet I leave next week for Italy and France...which adds 2 more! :0)

    My question: What is your favorite item that you couldn't travel without? Mine is my lipstick!!!

  12. Hey Jen...
    Thanks for asking...

    ANSWER: The one thing I would need to take with me which I couldn't live with out would have to be a photo of my hubbie and our 2 girls...yeah...they are everything.

    QUESTION:: what are your plans for tomorrow?

  13. My plans for tomorrow are work, a walk in the park with my dog, dinner with my boys, a little time for drawing.

    Love your journal page you did for your friend.

    My question: What makes you laugh until you cry?

  14. my kids saying or doing somethig fun, a good movie or some sitcom:)
    love this game:)

    question: how would you describe sweden?

  15. ANSWER::Sweden is a place where tradition is the root of all who live there.
    The Swedish people are like the Italians and Spanish in many ways, they enjoy looking good and well put together.
    They have a strong sense of design and style.
    They LOVE nature and are a very free nation.
    This is everything I get from my family who are Swedish, I went there many years ago...and would love to take our girls and my husband one day.

    QUESTION:: where and how do you see yourself in 5 years?

  16. ha, can i answer the favorite pair of shoes questions? ;)

    A: in five years i see myself with my own restaurant somewhere back in canada. i will have at least one baby, maybe two. i will live closer to my family, and spend a lot of time with them, especially my little brother. i will spend summers at our cottage on the river and take trips back to denmark when we can!

    Q: would you rather be able to read peoples' minds, or put thoughts in their heads?

    fun game! best, sar

  17. to answer the "read people's minds" question...can I pick neither? hehehe...that's cheating I guess. Well, I really don't want to know people's personal thoughts-so I guess I would try to put happy thoughts in their head??
    fun game xo, abby
    ah wait-I'm supposed to pose a question, right?
    I'll recycle the book one..."what is your fave recent read?"

  18. ANSWER:: Ah, yes, that one was I'll answer it...
    The last book I read and really enjoyed was " A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini...brilliant read...lots of self reflection at the end and gratitude for what we have in our Lives here...

    QUESTION:: Describe your earliest childhood memory.

    Thanks for playing everyone...I would love to keep this's fun and interesting reading your answers and questions...

  19. This is fun!

    Answer- my earliest childhood memory is actually the day my dad moved out (myt parents are divorced) when I was around 3 years old.

    Question- what's your favorite movie of all time?


Thank you so much for reading my post...and leaving a comment :-)