Tuesday, June 22, 2010

TELL all TUESDAYS :: Vicki from Lilliput Loft

Good morning to you all, we're back with our Tell ALL's plans were shifted a little as we have down pours which means no parks this mornng...
SO let me introduce you to a multi talented and ever so kind and thoughtful artist,sculptor,seemstress...her name is Vicki and she has an Etsy Store called Lilliput Loft which is stocked full of handmade's a little interview with her::

Tell us a little about the Town you live in... & have you always lived there?
I live with my very own knight in shining armour, my husband of 36 years. Our neighbourhood where we have lived for the past 15 years, is pretty nice. There is a small lake with ducks, water hens and sometimes visiting pelicans, a short stroll down the bush land pathway across the road from our house. My three little granddaughters (2, 3 & 5) have all enjoyed feeding the ducks with bits of bread…even though there are council signs forbidding this. (Some experiences in life should not be outlawed.)

If you could move anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
It would be hard to leave here, but I could live anywhere (not too cold or too hot) in the world, so long as I was with my hubby, and with my family.

How structured is your day usually?
No real structure nowadays. Just so long as I can get some house work /gardening done, and hopefully create some items for Lilliput Loft. I always make time to drop everything and be with my family if needed.
What did you do today?
I spend at least one day a week with my daughter and 2 year old granddaughter, but most of this day will be spent ironing. (probably)

Are you a cat or dog person? 
I have always been more of a cat person. But that is not to say I dislike dogs.  
Are you a breakfast, lunch or dinner girl?
 I can’t start the day without breakfast, which is usually just a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea.

If you had 6 friends over for Dinner what would you make for them?
I am not so fond of the kitchen and my cooking skills are nothing fancy, but, it would be some thing edible.

How old were you when you knew you were on the right path in your Life?
I knew I needed a Saviour (Jesus Christ) when I was about 7years old, and I knew I wanted to marry my husband when I was 17years of age.

Who /what drove and inspired your love to create?
I just knew what I enjoyed doing, and proceeded to do it. Over the years, I have enjoyed drawing, painting, pastels; working with clay creating whimsical creatures, and firing them in my gas kiln; sewing; decorating…I have done 27 weddings at various church halls.

Tell us something not too many people know about you
I have a highly sensitive sense of smell, and many perfumes/scents that other people think of as nice to smell, I find unbearable.
Shoe choice::flats or heels?
Love the LOOK of high heels, but prefer flats. I own a comfortable/expensive pair of sneakers that I bought for walking, and they would have to be my favourite shoes.

What was the last book you read?
Funny thing is that I do love to read, but really can’t remember the last book I read. Maybe a Catherine Cookson…?

What advice would you give others just starting out?
Do not take things too seriously. Do not rush your grandchildren, but take the time and savour everything they do. Enjoy each and every day you are given. Make the most of good health when you own it, as you might not always have it.

Name 5 blogs you love visiting, and tell us why.
I have just discovered A Fanciful Twist’ and it sounds like my kind of blog, as there is a lot of fantasy. They are hosting their 3rd Mad Tea Party soon, and I can’t wait to be a part of the fun.
I adore Cart before the horse’…loads of creative talent.
 We Blog Artists’ … full of creative drawings and whimsy.
 A friend down south, in Canberra has a blog that I keep up to date with, called ‘Grace Designs’.
 And another friend has a blog, ‘Claire Rose’ that I keep an eye on…but am always dismayed that she has added nothing …(I keep hoping she will have something lovely to share…)

THANK YOU Vicki for taking part and sharing your Life with us...
Please go and say hello to Vicki at  Lilliput Loft
AND visit her BLOG

I hope you've been having fun with the SUMMER time Game we started playing in our last post!

Have a great day, see you tomorrow.


  1. you make me smile today! your blog is extraordinario, thanks you so much from spain

  2. Hey, I'm feeling a bit like a celebrity! Thanks for having me.
    Nice one, Char.


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