She said she's a little shy about taking pictures of herself...but gave me this picture of her converse Chucks (below)it made me smile. I do believe she has a wonderful sense of humour....and is a blogger who I would LOVE to meet one day in person!
I adore her photography style...and is able to capture nature in such a romantic way...beautiful.
ENJOY getting to know her and seeing a few of her photographs::

I currently live in Montgomery, Alabama. It is the capital of Alabama so it is steeped in history as being the cradle of the civil rights movement. Montgomery is the city where Rosa Park made her stand. It is where Dr. King preached on Dexter Avenue. In juxtaposition, it was the cradle of the confederacy.
I lived her from the first grade until I got divorced. I moved back here in February 2009 after living in Birmingham for a few years.
The Barrier Islands of North Carolina. I love it there.
How structured is your day usually?
Currently, my days are rather unstructured as I’m looking for a job. But, when I’m working I’m very much a structure girl as I believe organization makes for a faster day.
What did you do today?
Today I had a play date with my oldest niece – we ate Krispy Kreme doughnuts, crafted together (made “I love you” cards for family members) and came to my house to visit the pugs. I also played car pool mom for my youngest nephew.

How old were you when you knew you were on the right path in your Life?
*laugh* is there a right path really – I find myself starting over again and pondering that question. I’ve had days where I really thought I was doing the right thing and it blew up in my face and I’ve had days where I thought my life was crap and I did okay. I think the trick lately is, enjoy the moments and be prepared to adjust as life throws the curveballs.

Tell us something not too many people know about you.
Lord, I’m a blogger so I feel like I tell everything. Hmmmm, how about I was once a competitive spades player that played every night with the same partner. But I got tired of the stress of such high level competition so I quit.
Shoe choice::flats or heels?
Flats!! Actually, whenever possible converse all stars (Chucks) or flip flops.
What advice would you give others just starting out?
In blogging, I say stay true to “your” voice and enjoy it just for yourself. In photography, read your camera’s manual and practice, practice, practice. It’s such a basic thing, but do as they advise and take at least one photograph a day – even if you don’t share it with the world.
Name 5 blogs you love visiting, and tell us why.
Be Yourself (http://moredoors.blogspot.com/) – I love Beth’s positive outlook on life and I look forward to her photography. I would love to hear her laugh as I imagine it’s one of the happiest sounds.
Chronicles of a Country Girl (http://chroniclesofacountrygirl.blogspot.com/) – her photography is wonderful.
Ink on my Fingers (http://inkonmyfingers.typepad.com/ink_on_my_fingers/) – She is my current heroine of photography. I love her style and her effortless looking composition. Truly inspirational.
It’s Just How I See Things (http://itsjusthowiseethings.blogspot.com/) – I adore Georgia’s voice. I forget how I found her but I thank goodness that I did. She’s so very real and I am loving seeing her photography grow. She’s a girl that I would love to have a cup of coffee with everyday.
Soul Aperture (http://soulaperture.blogspot.com/) – Christina is one of my new reads. She has a quiet calmness that smoothes me and she radiates peace and joy.
But honestly, I love reading everyone on my blog roll. I get something from each – happiness, serenity, joy, support, inspiration, information, humor, thoughtfulness...and I could go on and on.
Thank you Char for taking part in our Tell All Tuesdays.
Have a great day everyone...and make sure you visit Ramblins...some time today to say hello to Char.
We're off Strawberry picking today.
Char, On
What a great interview Char! Love learning more about my fellow blog buddies :)
Wonderful interview!
have fun picking strawberries - thanks so much for the interview, I had a great time answering the questions.
Isn't she wonderful!
The strawberries are SO good...will post tomorrow...just made a strawberry and fresh orange fruity.
Nice interview...thanks for sharing!
she's sweet ... i off to visit her blog. love the photos!
great interview Char! Loved reading more about you.
great interview! I had no idea there was even competitive spades, hmmm.
Fantastic interview! So glad you introduced Charlane to me!! :) Silke
I love her blog too, always inspire me with beautiful rustic pictures!
Awesome photos!!
Caught my eyes.
Char is an amazing photographer and writer -- loved reading more about her! :)
Lovely interview!
Hi Charlotte!
late....but thanks for your comment!
Have a nice friday!
well here it is thursday ...but wanted to say how much I admire char and read her blog every day!
Love to be part of Tell all Tuesdays!
Lovely interview.
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